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Showing MS VICTORY GUNDAM product(s)

Showing 1 - 20 of 20 products


[189] HGUC 1/144 V2 Assault Buster Gundam

- V Gundam strengthening form is finally appeared in HG! Reproduce the genealogy of Victory type!

- 3 form can be reproduced in the selection formula! Assault parts supplied, by the combination of Buster parts, it can reproduce the form of 3 Gundam.
- Megabimu rifle, other Megabimu shield, Assault parts, Buster parts each comes complete with the new.

- V2 Assault Gundam ... V2 Gundam aircraft equipped with a golden armor options for systemic. While mobility and motility fall slightly, have I field generator and Thailand beam armor with the order of magnitude of the defense force, disable most of the beam attack, was performed buried enemy in Vesper of both hips.

- V2 Buster Gundam ... V2 Gundam equipped with aircraft the heavily armed for options to systemic. While mobility and motility fall slightly, it is possible to bury a large number of enemies in making full use of the Megabimu Cannon and spray beam pod with the order of magnitude of the attack force.

- V2 Assault Buster Gundam ... I have both the defense force of overwhelming offensive power and impregnable in at the same time equipped with aircraft Assault and Buster of both options to V2 Gundam.

- Accessories: Megabimu rifle, Megabimu shield, beam rifle, V2 core fighter, assault parts, Buster parts


MG V-Dash Gundam Ver.Ka

  • Runner x24, Foil sticker x2, Marking sticker x2, Tetronic sticker x2, Instruction manual x2 
  • "V Dash Gundam" as a fully equipped V Gundam Ver.Ka is released. Includes additional equipments such as the "Core・Booster". 
  • Includes two V Head Core Fighters and two Hexa Head Core Fighters. The Core Fighter, Top Fighter, Bottom Fighter, Core・Booster, all four flight mode can be made with a single package. 
  • The Overhung Cannon of Core・Booster becomes a big beam cannon by being attached onto the MS back. 
  • Includes two beam rifles which can be attached to the hard points. 
  • The beam cannon which is attached to the side armor, the missile pod, the two disposable buzzes on both sides are included. 
  • Includes the gatling gun, beam javelin, beam smart gun. 
  • Includes colored parts for foot covers for reproducing V Gundam Hexa. 
  • Includes special joint parts for the action base.


MG 1/100 Core Booster Ver.Ka

- On its own, it comes with V Core Booster and Core Fighter, Display Base, plus weapons for V Gundam too! - By combining it with the V Gundam already released, you can create the V-Dash Gundam. - The display base included is for V Core Booster. Accessories: Beam Rifle, Beam Smart Gun, Beam Javelin, Overhung Cannon, Gatling Gun, Rocket Launcher left/right, Disposable Buzz x2, display stand


[005] HG 1/100 Zollidia

This 1/100 version of the Zollidia feature in Mobile Suit Victory Gundam .

The kit required self assembly and molded in color. Includes stickers and translucent purple shield effect piece for extra touch up to the kit.


P-Bandai : Expansion Set for MG 1/100 V2 Assault Buster Gundam Ver. Ka

Reissue Date : Jun 2020Estimate Delivery : July 2020
This is an expansion set! MG 1/100 Victory 2 Gundam Ver. Ka sold separately!


Expansion parts for reproducing Victory Two Assault Buster Gundam Ver.Ka by jointing with the MS body (sold separately) available in retail stores is released !


* MS body is not included with this product.

* Includes the set of weapon parts for reproducing Victory Two Assault Buster Gundam Ver.Ka. -?Additional weapons are reproduced as detachable parts.

-?Victory Two Assault Gundam and Victory Two Buster Gundam can be reproduced by parts reassembly.

* Updated Parts for the MS body included

- Includes updated parts of the newly structured internal frame and parts of exteriors to hold the heavy armaments.

* Reproduced in color moldings in accordance with the MS body available in retail stores.

- The gold parts are made in gold color moldings.

* Includes newly designed "Ver.Ka" markings for reproducing Victory Two Assault Buster Gundam.

-- Set details --

Assault Parts set / Buster Parts set / Updated Parts for main body / "Ver.Ka" Water decal


This product is a set of parts for reproducing "Victory Two Assault Buster Gundam" by attaching it?

to MG 1/100 Victory Two Gundam Ver. Ka" (sold separately; available in retail stores).

* MS body is not included with this product.

* To reproduce the suit in the photographs, a "MG 1/100 Victory Two Gundam Ver. Ka"(sold separately) before assembly,?along with this product, are required.


[024] BB LM314V21 V2 Gundam

Item Size/Weight : 25.5 x 19.1 x 5.8 cm / 210g


[165] HGUC 1/144 Victory Gundam

  • The first HGUC out of Mobile Suit Victory Gundam, the titular Mobile Suit joins the joins the High Grade lineup.
  • Though Uso Ewins Suit from MS GUNDAM V is a small Suit, the rich details that we have come to expect from the 1/144 HGUC line.
  • Includes various weapons and clear beam effects.
  • Features optional scale Core Fighter
  • Item Size/Weight : 29.8 x 19 x 5.8 cm / 226g


[169] HGUC 1/144 Victory Two Gundam

The Gundam used on the second half Victory Gundam is the Minovsky Drive equipped V2 Gundam! Part of the All Gundam project which seeks to bring new modern kits from older Gundam titles, the Victory Gundam shares a common construction with other kits to allow for part swapping and easy customization as seen in the Gundam Build Fighters anime series. Core fighter in included along with beam rifle and clear parts for beam shield and saber gimmicks. 

Accessories: Core Fighter, beam rifle, beam shield, beam saber x 2, Beam saber (sector)
Content: Runner x8, Foil Sticker x1, Instruction Manual x1.


NG 1/60 Victory 2 Gundam

Large scale model of the Gundam Victory 2 from the Mobile Suit Victory Gundam TV anime series that's as large as the higher end Perfect Grade line at the fraction of the price! Includes the iconic beam Rifle, beam shield and beam sabers. Fingers are articulated as the RG series and the kit is able to transform into core fighter + top fighter. 


[188] HGUC 1/144 V-Dash Gundam

  • V-Dash Gundam from "Mobile Suit Victory Gundam" appears as 1/144 model. 
  • Both mobility and shape are achieved with downsized joints. 
  • Includes V Gundam Hexa head. 
  • Includes various weapons such as a beam smart gun, beam rifle and beam sabers. 
  • Clear parts are used for beam effect. 
  • Foil stickers for color coding of the body are included. 
  • A core booster in the same scale is included. The beam smart gun can be attached under it. 
  • Runner x10, Foil sticker x1, Instruction manual x1


MG 1/100 Victory Two / V2 Gundam Ver.Ka

  • MG commercialization hope Ranked # 1! MG V2 Gundam Ver.Ka finally here!
  • The height of the difficulty of the function realizing it was one of the factors that hinder the commercialization. In the 1/60 kit issued to broadcast at that time, the shape becomes the sacrifice in that you have to reproduce the head storage mechanism to the core fighter, it has become the impression of sagging breasts. Elimination of this part was one of the proposition. The coalescence mechanism, and technology developed through the armor extension gimmick designed in such as MG V Gundam Ver.Ka has been utilized. Regarding Speaking of V2 high demand [Assault] [Buster] equipment, is now planned also technology validation toward commercialization in the center of the mounting mechanism of additional equipment. After these processes, it became a carry that finally can be released on 35th anniversary of Gundam.
  • It comes with parts to reproduce the grenade launcher by mounted on the beam rifle. Hand-gun also possible restructuring in the parts retrofit.
  • Head precision fire for the device with the included.
  • V2 Core Fighter 2 aircraft accessories. V2 top fighter and V2 at the same time display allows the bottom fighter.
  • Accessories: beam saber × 2, beam saber (fan), beam rifle, beam shield (PET), V2 core Fighter × 2, twin-type grenade launcher reproduction for parts, Shakti figure (falling), pilot figure × 2


MG 1/100 V Gundam Ver.Ka

  • Accessories: 
  • Beam Rifle x 1
  • Beam Saber x 2  
  • Beam Fan x 1 
  • Beam Shield x 1
  • Hexa Core Fighter x 1
  • Fighter Mode Stand Joint x 1
  • Cockpit Figure x 2 (Uso, Junko)
  • Standing Figure x 1 (Uso with Haro)


Expo Exclusive: 1/144 V-Dash Gundam (Expo Clear)

Expo Exclusive: 1/144 V-Dash Gundam (Expo Clear)


[003] HG 1/100 Gun Blastor

The LM111E03 Gunblastor is simply an upgraded version of the LM111E02 Gun-EZ that was designed for space combat. In order to facilitate the need for space-use mobile suits, the League Militaire modified their ground-use Gun-EZ by adding a pair of "twin tail" booster binders.


RE/100 1/100 Gun EZ

RE/100 1/100 Gun EZ

- From [Mobile Suit Valley Gundam] series, Gunny appeared in RE!

- Beam · bazooka 's rear armor can be mounted, including shoulder beam · saber storage.
- The dual multi launcher equipped on the shoulder reproduces the opening and closing of the hatch.
- Beam shield with PET material with hologram processing attached.
- Easy to assemble structure that makes use of the simple configuration unique to RE.

- Beam rifle x 1
- Beam saber x 1
- Beam shield x 1
- Beam · Bazooka x 1

[Product content]
- Molded product x 12
- Foil seal x 1
- Marking seal x 1
- Instruction manual x 1


MG 1/100 V2 Assault-Buster Gundam Ver. Ka [Box Dented]

Box Condition: Dented, but item contents are in good condition.

Reissue Date : Jun 2020
Estimate Delivery : Aug/Sept 2020

T h e  U l t i m a t e  M o b i l e  S u i t  o f  t h e  U n i v e r s a l  C e n t u r y
V i c t o r y  T w o  A s s a u l t  B u s t e r  G u n d a m, T a k e s  O f f.

The final form of Victory Two Gundam is reproduced in MG "Ver.Ka" series !
Additional weapons across its body are reproduced by new moldings.
Renewed color moldings reproduce the suit's rich and heavy texture.

* Gimmicks and style coexist in this ultimate Victory Two Assault Buster Gundam "Ver.Ka."
* Additional weapons of the -  Assault Buster - mode, including its heavy weapons and offensive/defensive armaments, are reproduced by new moldings.

- The giant Mega Beam Rifle composed of the barrel unit and the control unit is reproduced by new moldings.
- The barrel unit slides and the grip, aim sensor and the heat exhaust fins include transforming gimmicks.

* V.S.B.R
- V.S.B.Rs on the waist are reproduced by new moldings. Their transformed mode can be reproduced via slide gimmick.

- The Mega Beam Shield is reproduced by new moldings. The three barrier bits can be split and detached.

- The six Missile Pods on the Waist and Leg parts can be replaced with parts reproducing the hatches either closed or opened.

- Mega Beam Canon and Spray Beam Pod, additional weapons on the backpack, are reproduced by new moldings.

* Victory Two Assault Gundam and Victory Two Buster Gundam can be reproduced via reassembly.
- Additional weapons and armors can be removed and reattached, allowing the switching between the heavy-armored Assault mode and the heavy-armed Buster mode by reassembling its parts.

* Body's coloring renewed for reproducing its rich and heavy texture
- Its characteristic yellow and gold parts are colored by matte gold coating.
- Also its red, blue, and white parts are renewed to match its image in the original anime.

* Updated Parts for MS main body included 
- Includes updated parts of the newly structured internal frame and parts of exteriors to hold the various armaments of "Assault Buster."

* "Ver.Ka" marking
- Includes newly designed water decal markings for enjoying the "Ver.Ka" Victory Two Assault Buster Gundam.

* Full color package
- The full color package uses newly drawn illustrations by Katoki Hajime.

[Set details]
Victory Two Gundam Ver. Ka body set  / Buster Parts set /  Assault Parts set / Updated Parts for main body / "Ver.Ka" Water decal


P-Bandai: RE/100 LM111E03 Gunblaster

This kit is based on the recent REBORN 100 release, Gun-EZ from Mobile Suit Victory Gundam, comes with newly molded backpack to represent its variant Gunblaster!

  • Beam Rifle
  • Beam Saber
  • Beam Shield
  • Beam Bazooka


P-Bandai: RE/100 Gun-EZ Ground Type

P-Bandai: RE/100 Gun-EZ Ground Type
Release Date: June 2019
Estimate Delivery: July 2019

The Land battle type Gun-EZ arrives in the Reborn 100 line with newly molded parts including...


  • Remolded shape of forehead, embossed vulcan gun, and added head antenna
  • Additional armor is attached to the dual multi-launcher equipped on the upper chest part. Opening and closing hatch is molded in red color, and added details to portray the Ground Type Gun-Ez design.
  • Added a unique duct on each side of the shoulder
  • Remolded parts for the side waist are provided with good color separation
  • Remolded back leg part with thruster mouth which acts as a dust proof for the Gun-Ez
  • A new set of printed decals are included in the kit!
  • Beam Rifle
  • Beam Saber
  • Beam Bazooka
  • Beam Shield


P-Bandai Exclusive: HG 1/144 Second V

P-Bandai: HGUC 1/144 Second Victory Gundam

The secret GunPla from the Mobile Suit Gundam Victory World has finally been revealed! The Second Victory Gundam rolls out in the HGUC series through Premium Bandai webshop.


Beam rifle
Beam saber
Beam shield
Minovky shield 
Megabeam Cannon


Daban 6655 MG 1/100 V2 Assault Buster Gundam + Wing Effect

Daban 6655 MG 1/100 V2 Assault Buster Gundam + Wing Effect

Brand : Daban
Scale : 1/100
Model : V2 Assault Buster Gundam
Specialty : Included Wing Effect

Please note that this is Non-Bandai product 


Showing 1 - 20 of 20 products