Part of the SD Gundam EX-Standard product line, the Destiny Gundam has been recreated with an emphasis on articulation and enhanced proportion at an attractive price. Weapons include High energy beam rifle, long-range cannon, and anti-ship sword that can be mounted on back.
[Daban] 1/100 Blitz Gundam (MG)
Item Size/Weight : 20.5 x 15 x 5.2 cm / 137g
- [Gundam SEED] than the RG Freedom Gundam comes a lead aircraft. Actual negotiations Based on repeatability of wing shape and moving with a new frame has been pursuing a strict realism. - MA-M20 Lupus medium-range beam rifle shooting ... special weapons Freedom Gundam. Add stock and allow to shield and attached. - Rakeruta saber saber ... reproduce the `beam 'in clear plastic portion. The two In addition to gimmicks to be bound, can be attached to the waist. - Hi Matt ... Wing is equipped with a gimmick mode deployment, the actual shape is overlaid investigation Good design. `` High Mach mode can reproduce a high-mobility form of air combat wing deployed. - Anti-laminated beam shield can be mounted on the arm .... Mounting base can slide up and down So, the degree of freedom of mounting position, the backside of the cartridge details such as energy Rich in detail. - Full Burst Mode. Thrale sphere with the clock mounted on both sides of the gun waist, wing Convergent beam plasma cannon expandable Baraena that joint. - RG Freedom Gundam is composed of nine runners. Boasts unparalleled ease of assembly Advanced internal frame joints de MS, and detailed consideration to the actual armor division, If RG is in the `Gundam` s. - Accessories: Rakeruta saber × 2, anti-laminated beam shield Lupus beam rifle, look in the wrist (left), with rifle wrist (right)
[Daban] 1/60 GAT-X105 Strike Gundam (PG)
[Daban] 1/60 Skygrasper + Aile Striker (PG)
- Making it easier to put the seal on the face and head with separate parts.
- Simple forms can be transformed MA.
The new DESTINY GUNDAM from the RG series, is here in DEACTIVE MODE!
The RG series with its one and only separated color replication as its characteristic,
faithfully recreated the Deactive image color by molded colors.
Realistic decals are included, helping to make the model as close to the original as possible.
Weapons included: Beam Rifle, Beam Saber, Beam Boomerang, Beam Sword, Long-range Beam Cannon, Shield, Beam Shield.
P-Bandai: MG 1/100 Blaze Zaku Phantom (Rey Za Burrel Custom)
Please note that the first release of this item may be limited, and in some cases it may not be possible to fill all orders at the time of its initial release. Any order not filled at the time of the initial release will be filled by subsequent restocks, but we recommend placing an order as soon as possible for your best chance to receive a piece from the first release!
Beautiful EX model of the Moebius Zero and Sky Grasper machines from Gundam Seed.
Premium Bandai has finally opened the pre-orders for the Master Grade Ginn Gladiator. A mobile suit that appears in the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Eclipse manga series. This kit shares few of its molds with the regular released MG 1/100 Mobile Ginn with numerous newly molded parts to accommodate its ECLIPSE variation.
Third Party Brand HG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam with Water Decal